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We will be completing an update on Saturday afternoon, May 18th. This update will create a short downtime beginning at 2 PM where you will not be able to log into Online/Mobile Banking. Thank you for your patience through this update process.
BTC Bank
hands in garden holding small plant

BTC Bank has been named the #1 Ag Lending Bank in Missouri, serving the #1 industry in our state. 


 View Our Ag Lending Services


analog clocks

Switching banks is easier than you think. 

Now's the time to join the BTC Bank family! Our friendly staff is ready to help you turn the page in your financial journey. Let our experts help you switch banks in five simple steps. 

Collage of BTC Bank mascot debit cards.


1. Choose your school's mascot debit card
2. Swipe and use your mascot card
3. BTC Bank will donate 7.5¢ back to your school per swipe
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Your Ag Lender

of Choice

We consider agriculture loans to be a vital part of our community investment.

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The right choice, right now, to keep tabs on daily spending and manage your money the way you like

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Saving for that special occasion, children's education, home improvement, or travel?

Mortgage Lending icon


The right home loan will give you the go-ahead to make more memories.